Life Events

As a church community, we would like to accompany you and be there for you at every stage of your life's journey: celebrating your wedding with you, baptizing and confirming your child, and providing comfort and support in times of grief.


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Church can accompany you throughout your entire life - in good times and in bad times.



With baptism, the child is welcomed into the congregation. But the church is more than just baptism. We have many activities for children and families, such as early musical education, children's choirs, and family services.



The church accompanies you throughout your entire life. It is there for you during the transition to your own decision with the affirmation of faith in confirmation and during the "yes" to your life partner. The church is also there in difficult times and is a place for soul-searching.



From earth you were taken, to earth you shall return.
We accompany you on your journey through grief with personal comfort.

Would you like someone to talk to?

Get in touch and let's find a time for a pastoral counseling.

